Payroll Services

A dedicated payroll specialist. 
See, don’t you feel more efficient already?

We went straight to the experts for this partnership. Through PayChex® Payroll Services, you can delegate your payroll taxes, deposits and other employee benefits to a local dedicated specialist that will even drop by your office.

Dark-haired woman using dough to prepare a meal in her kitchen

Payroll Services Benefits

  • Save time and money
  • Eliminates Payroll tax worries
  • Payroll and payroll tax processing and deposits
  • Local processing for greater accessibility and efficiency
  • Single point of contact through a dedicated Payroll Specialist and on site appointments
  • Limited or full service models available to fit your business and budget
  • Phone, fax or Internet reporting
  • Enhanced employee benefits (administration, 125 plans, COBRA, handbooks, workers’ comp)
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Ready to get started?
Schedule a meeting today!

Visit a branch or call at +1 (570) 531-2139 to schedule a meeting with a Payroll and Benefits Specialist.

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